Saturday, October 08, 2005

October 7, 2005 Commit-Digest

October 7, 2005 Commit-Digest

It seems the only way to find out what's happening in KDE is to read the commit logs. If I do that, I might as well write up a report about it. And I do have all the stuff to make it easy. So here is a tentative relaunch into the regular publishing of the Digest.

It is good to read what is happening. I love the sardonic comments about the vaunted speed improvements of Qt4. The back and forth discussions on d pointers.

I'm sticking with kdelibs and kdebase for now. I suspect that if I'm leading the willing helpers will follow, so I hope to have the whole thing soon, but we'll see. I sat down last night and thought, why not. So I started reading the logs, selecting the interesting ones, trying to get a feel of what is happening. Today I finished things up. It may be sparse, but I can handle sparse. Maybe if I keep it modest, I'll be able to sustain the effort and time.

Without sounding indispensable or whining, it seems that if I want to read a reasonably detailed report of what is going on, I got to write it. Fine. That was the motivation when I started this thing.

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