Sunday, June 13, 2004

Clean up

I publish the KDE CVS-Digest

Quite productive yesterday. Cleaned up the issue loading, put in some error handling. Also it is possible to view the older issues of the Digest. I wrote a routine that changes keywords in the summary to urls. This takes me about 10 minutes each time I publish. Now to edit the older ones and have them regenerated automatically.

The ability to view images is quite popular. I would say 4 out of 5 diff calls are to an image. Every 5th approximately viewer looks at a diff. I'm definitely preaching to the converted, as most of the views are from Konqueror.

I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to do next. Some ideas I've been kicking around for a while include:

Long (whole file) diffs. This probably will happen soon. Graphing of some statistical data. Breaking up the rather lengthy digest into smaller sections. Repository browsing. Some site statistics would be interesting.

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